How to take care of a tattoo

Perform all tasks with properly washed hands, preferably OA-Soap.

Remove the protective film after 1-2 hours. Wash the tattoo with Oa-Soap and gently dry with a clean towel. In exceptional situations, you can leave the foil on for longer, but no longer than 12 hours.

The first night before going to bed, it is necessary to wash the tattoo again with OA-Soap, let it dry properly for at least 30 minutes and then apply a thin layer of OA-Lotion cream and cover the tattoo with a new, clean foil.

Instructions: for one week it is necessary to rinse and wash the tattoo 2-3 times a day with antibacterial soap, gently dry and gently apply OA-Lotion. Tattoos may or may not develop rattlesnakes. DO NOT PEEL!! DO NOT SCRATCH!!

In the second and third week, apply OA-Lotion to the tattoo only in the morning and in the evening until the skin is fully regenerated. Avoid swimming, sauna, salt water and strenuous sports activities during the first week!! Do not consume alcoholic beverages for 24 hours after the tattoo has been completed. Maintain hygiene by taking only short showers and soaking the tattoo as little as possible ! Avoid sunbathing (even in a solarium) for 30 days!!!

Remember! Sunbathing damages your tattoo. Protect it in the sun with a sunscreen with a high UV filter. If you have any problems with your tattoo or would like to know more, contact us!